...by Two Feet!
Baby Girl is due in August!
We are so thankful, amazed, excited, and blessed!
You may have a few questions, so I thought I would answer the two I get asked every time someone hears our news.
How are you feeling?
Good, thank you! This little girl has already caused me to feel more ill than Philip ever has! I was definitely more sick in the first trimester. Still, I know it was much easier than what others go through, so I am very thankful. Now that I am well into the second trimester, I am feeling really good. This pregnancy has gone very smoothly so far, so it has been a lot less stressful than with Philip. It also feels like it is going by a lot faster!
Are you seeing the same doctor?
For those who know our history, you probably know that we sought the help of a very talented doctor in Chicago to help us carry Philip to term. I have no doubt that without her, our little miracle would not be with us today. She helped us identify problems that others had not, and provided top notch monitoring of my pregnancy. However, working with her was time and energy consuming and I felt that some things were unnecessary. Last year I found a more local high-risk doctor that specializes in my "problems." We met with her this fall and she rocks! She is a great happy medium for us. I am provided with extra monitoring and have someone calling the shots who knows what she is talking about. So thankful to find her in our area!
Having waited four long years to bring our first child home, we know that this baby is a true gift. That being said, I know that there are some reading this who have waited much longer, some who are anxiously awaiting "The Call" from their adoption agency, and those who have suffered recent losses. You are always, always in our prayers.