Friday, August 30, 2013
{this moment} Feeding Baby
{this moment} A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
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Thursday, August 29, 2013
A Look Back at July
Every month I email the grandparents a set of pictures from the previous month. As I look back on all the fun we've had I think that I really should post more of this stuff on the blog as a family scrapbook of sorts. I know it is the end of August, but since July had some significant events, I wanted to go back and start with last month.
We returned from vacation at the beginning of this month and a couple days after Andy returned to work he got a four-day weekend for 4th of July. I never got pictures of the kids in their July 4th outfits, but trust me, they were cute. I can't remember what we did that day, but I made a dinner and dessert that Andy thought was ridiculously awesome. And the evening ended with a favorite memory. We turned on the TV to watch the fireworks show and danced and marched around the living room with the kids. They had a great time and Philip asked for more fireworks for days after. Even just this past week there was a day when he was continually asking to watch fireworks on TV. That weekend we took a day trip to Pennsylvania for a party for a friend who was made a Monsignor.
Totally unrelated photos:
Philip celebrated his 3rd birthday in July. Fittingly, we had three celebrations for him. We celebrated with Daddy the night before because Andy had to leave on a trip early the next morning. We had Philip's birthday dinner which he obviously wiped all over his shirt. Then he excitedly opened his presents and we enjoyed cake before shuttling the kids off to bed way too late.
The next day was Philip's real birthday and I took him to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. It was a bit overwhelming for him, but he pulled through and overall we had a good time. The next day he wanted to go back, so I count that as a success. We continued the celebration at home with a few tiny bonus gifts and cards.
And what was so important that Andy had to leave town on Philip's birthday? Well, he "had" to go to World Youth Day for work. He was in Rio for about a week and a half. It was his first World Youth Day and all went well. He said the Pope was impressive and great at carrying on a dialogue back-and-forth with the pilgrims. His hotel was right on Copacabana Beach, so he had easy access to the major events and even watched some of them from the rooftop. Fun Fact of the Day: There was a record rainfall during WYD and it flooded the area where the closing Vigil and Mass were supposed to be held. While inspecting the site, they found four crocodiles - good call moving the events to the beach!
While Andy was away, my parents came for a visit. What a huge help they were! They cooked, cleaned, entertained, did projects around the house, took me shopping, and provided some adult conversation. We had a great time together. Here are some highlights from their visit:
Andy returned home at the end of the month and it was great to work our way back to normal again. He took a day off to recover and reconnect and we went to a new-to-us park. It had a small farm, merry-go-round, miniature golf, and train ride. We didn't even get to the playground because we were having so much fun! It was a great way to end such an exciting month.
We returned from vacation at the beginning of this month and a couple days after Andy returned to work he got a four-day weekend for 4th of July. I never got pictures of the kids in their July 4th outfits, but trust me, they were cute. I can't remember what we did that day, but I made a dinner and dessert that Andy thought was ridiculously awesome. And the evening ended with a favorite memory. We turned on the TV to watch the fireworks show and danced and marched around the living room with the kids. They had a great time and Philip asked for more fireworks for days after. Even just this past week there was a day when he was continually asking to watch fireworks on TV. That weekend we took a day trip to Pennsylvania for a party for a friend who was made a Monsignor.
Totally unrelated photos:
Spreading birdseed by hand
Earlier in the year he would throw birdseed in the air
and call out "Birds!" hoping they would come get it.
In a special dress Grandma picked out. Love this baby face.
And this face too
Philip celebrated his 3rd birthday in July. Fittingly, we had three celebrations for him. We celebrated with Daddy the night before because Andy had to leave on a trip early the next morning. We had Philip's birthday dinner which he obviously wiped all over his shirt. Then he excitedly opened his presents and we enjoyed cake before shuttling the kids off to bed way too late.
The next day was Philip's real birthday and I took him to Chuck E Cheese for the first time. It was a bit overwhelming for him, but he pulled through and overall we had a good time. The next day he wanted to go back, so I count that as a success. We continued the celebration at home with a few tiny bonus gifts and cards.
That evening when he opened up a birthday card,
he pulled out the cash that was enclosed and exclaimed, "Tickets!"
And what was so important that Andy had to leave town on Philip's birthday? Well, he "had" to go to World Youth Day for work. He was in Rio for about a week and a half. It was his first World Youth Day and all went well. He said the Pope was impressive and great at carrying on a dialogue back-and-forth with the pilgrims. His hotel was right on Copacabana Beach, so he had easy access to the major events and even watched some of them from the rooftop. Fun Fact of the Day: There was a record rainfall during WYD and it flooded the area where the closing Vigil and Mass were supposed to be held. While inspecting the site, they found four crocodiles - good call moving the events to the beach!
Good morning, Jesus!
What 3.2 million people looks like
A taste of the excitement
While Andy was away, my parents came for a visit. What a huge help they were! They cooked, cleaned, entertained, did projects around the house, took me shopping, and provided some adult conversation. We had a great time together. Here are some highlights from their visit:
My Mom made this cute little number for Julia
Philip's third birthday celebration was with Grandma and Grandpa. Here he is with the new motorized train he got from them. He had to try it out right away!
It was so nice to have someone to watch Philip
for me so I could go on a few runs during the day
One day we went to an area library that has basically a free children's museum.
It was great fun!
Of course, Philip's favorite part was the train table
We went to a favorite park one day...
and had a picnic. Julia decided she wanted to eat her lunch on the picnic table.
Water balloons with Grandpa
Julia had a practice birthday party
She is definitely a cake fan
My parents with Philip and his beloved Gummy Worms.
He has been hooked since we took him to an ice cream shop
and got him a dirt and worms sundae earlier this summer.
Andy returned home at the end of the month and it was great to work our way back to normal again. He took a day off to recover and reconnect and we went to a new-to-us park. It had a small farm, merry-go-round, miniature golf, and train ride. We didn't even get to the playground because we were having so much fun! It was a great way to end such an exciting month.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
3 Years Old
Three years ago our lives were turned upside down when we welcomed a sweet and loud little baby into our lives. He has changed so much since then, and so have we.
This past year he has really grown a lot. The biggest change we have seen is his language development. While he was a pretty new talker at the beginning of the year, he really expanded his vocabulary this year. It has been amazing and fun to witness. At the beginning of the year he would hum or sing every time we got into the car, a few months later he was naming all the objects we passed, then he began to talk in full sentences, now he plays make believe!
His memory has also grown. He now remembers his grandparents and long-distance relatives, the beach, and oh, does he remember Christmas! He will tell me that every toy we own he received as a gift at Christmas.
Of course the biggest life change for him was that just after his second birthday he became a big brother. Although it was a big and sometimes difficult adjustment, he took things in stride for many months - until Julia started to crawl! Then he became a true big brother - how do kids just instinctively know how to pick on their little siblings? But besides that, he is also a caring brother who delights his sister with his antics.
He is definitely an oldest child. He likes to direct everyone in what they should do and how they should play and he gets quite upset when people don't follow his instructions. He is still on the shy side, but once he gets comfortable he can quickly become the life of the party!
At three years old, Philip is:

He continually amazes and delights us each day. He was a long hoped-for gift and he has brought us more joy than he could imagine.
Philip's Favorites
Favorite Phrase: It's my! (mine)
Favorite Songs: Baby Beluga, Wheels on the Bus, Hot Dog Song, Tumeni Notes
Favorite Book: Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes and anything Frog and Toad
Favorite Toys: Trains, Vehicles, Water, Legos, Playdough
Favorite Cereal: Cinnamon Chex
Favorite Fruit: Berries
Favorite Snack: "Crackers and sauce and yogurt"
Favorite Drink: Juice
Favorite Lunch: Sandwich
Favorite Game: Hide & Seek
Favorite Thing to do Outside: Water table
Favorite Stuffed Animals: Big bunny and little bunny
Favorite TV Show: The Octonauts
Favorite Animal: Herbie the cat
Favorite Color: Green
Birthday Dinner: Hot dogs, watermelon, and cake
Watch him grow:
Want to reminisce a bit? Find out about Philip at Age 1 and Age 2.
This past year he has really grown a lot. The biggest change we have seen is his language development. While he was a pretty new talker at the beginning of the year, he really expanded his vocabulary this year. It has been amazing and fun to witness. At the beginning of the year he would hum or sing every time we got into the car, a few months later he was naming all the objects we passed, then he began to talk in full sentences, now he plays make believe!
His memory has also grown. He now remembers his grandparents and long-distance relatives, the beach, and oh, does he remember Christmas! He will tell me that every toy we own he received as a gift at Christmas.
Of course the biggest life change for him was that just after his second birthday he became a big brother. Although it was a big and sometimes difficult adjustment, he took things in stride for many months - until Julia started to crawl! Then he became a true big brother - how do kids just instinctively know how to pick on their little siblings? But besides that, he is also a caring brother who delights his sister with his antics.
He is definitely an oldest child. He likes to direct everyone in what they should do and how they should play and he gets quite upset when people don't follow his instructions. He is still on the shy side, but once he gets comfortable he can quickly become the life of the party!
At three years old, Philip is:
Never Bored
A Train Lover
A Daddy's Boy
He doesn't like loud noises.
He is good at independent play.
He has an engineering mind.
He is a ham and loves to repeat anything that has gotten a good response.
I'm starting to wonder if he has some kind of a photographic memory. He can survey a set of toys (like his trains) and within a few seconds he knows if one of them is missing.
He continually amazes and delights us each day. He was a long hoped-for gift and he has brought us more joy than he could imagine.
Philip's Favorites
Favorite Phrase: It's my! (mine)
Favorite Songs: Baby Beluga, Wheels on the Bus, Hot Dog Song, Tumeni Notes
Favorite Book: Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes and anything Frog and Toad
Favorite Toys: Trains, Vehicles, Water, Legos, Playdough
Favorite Cereal: Cinnamon Chex
Favorite Fruit: Berries
Favorite Snack: "Crackers and sauce and yogurt"
Favorite Drink: Juice
Favorite Lunch: Sandwich
Favorite Game: Hide & Seek
Favorite Thing to do Outside: Water table
Favorite Stuffed Animals: Big bunny and little bunny
Favorite TV Show: The Octonauts
Favorite Animal: Herbie the cat
Favorite Color: Green
Birthday Dinner: Hot dogs, watermelon, and cake
Watch him grow:
Want to reminisce a bit? Find out about Philip at Age 1 and Age 2.
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