"I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete." John 15:11

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Introducing...Julia's Jokes


Me: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Philip: A fire engine.
Andy: Do you mean a fireman?
Philip: No! I want to be a knight!
Me: What about you, Julia?
Julia: A butterfly.

"Mommy, I want to do Arts and Crabs."

Andy walked into the kitchen to find Julia painting.
Andy: Hi! Are you busy?
Julia: No. I Julia! I not Busy!

Holding up her toy necklace: "I want to put on my rosary."

Playing on the computer: "I'm trying to get my e-marrow."

One morning I made stoplight toast. I colored a couple mini marshmallows red, yellow, and green and put them into a piece of toast shaped like a stoplight. Julia's response, "I don't want mushrooms on my toast!"

Me: What is your favorite part of fall?
Philip: Jumping in the leaves!
Me: How about you Julia?
Julia: Me!

Julia: I Julia
Andy: What is your middle name?
Andy: What is your last name?
Julia: nails our looong last name
Andy: What is your middle name?
Julia: I am so big.

While having a meltdown
Philip: Julia is being funny.
Julia: No! I not being funny. I being crazy!

Handing me a pictures she drew:
"This is for you. Don't spit on it."

While finishing up a snack of peanut butter and crackers.
Me: Okay, we need to go pick Philip up from school.
Julia: I'm going to take some peanut butter with me in my mouth.

We stayed at a hotel overlooking the Baltimore Harbor. A week or two later we stayed at a hotel overlooking a parking lot. While looking out the window.
"There is no water. It's all dried up."

While looking at a book about a Mom and baby.
"There's the Mama and there's the baby and I am Julia, and you are Mommy Kristen, and that is Daddy Andy, and that is Philip...What is Philip's name?"


  1. I want MONEY!!!

    (and working families are who I want it from!!!)

    San Felipe de Neri Parish; 2005 North Plaza NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104

    mailing address: PO Box 7007, Albuquerque, NM 87194

    Pastor: Rev. Dennis Garcia

    Deacons: Jose Lucero, Maurice Menke, Tom Perez, James Carabajal

    Religious education: Melany Gallegos, Director
    School: Jennifer Mason, Principal
    Museum and Gift Shop: Steve Torres Manager (convent bookstore on-site)

    Stewardship Report:

    November 1 & 2, 2014

    Sunday envelopes: $6,906.50
    Sunday loose: $909.72
    Envelopes used: 321
    Building fund: $1,009.00
    All Saints Day: $1,037.00
    All Souls Day: $565.00
    St. Vincent De Paul: $1,843.00
    Other: $192

    Renovation Pledge/Annual Catholic Appeal:

    Our Parish Goal is $80,000 to pay on our debt for the renovation project.
    Total pledged: $71,285.14
    Total paid: $54,795.14
    Pledge balance: $16,490.00

    Families: (active registered) 1,200
    Total number of pledges: 245

  2. Do you know a parent who needs help? Pass this along! National Parent Helpline- Call to get emotional support from a trained advocate and become empowered and a stronger parent: 1-855-4 A Parent (855-427-2736), available Monday thru Friday, 10 AM to 7 PM, PST. Operated by Parents Anonymous, Inc.
