"I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete." John 15:11

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkin Time!

Well, Philip has come a long way since last year's pumpkin patch visit when we had to prop him up next to the pumpkins. This year we couldn't get him to sit still and look at the camera for a picture, so we got lots of action shots. 

He had a blast pushing over pumpkins that were nearly his size...

Driving a sports car...

Hiding when strangers talked to him...

Seeing a pot belly pig chomp down on a bowl full of food...

Watching a pumpkin tractor zip kids around in figure eights...

Picking out a pumpkin...

And carrying around a couple baskets he found in a deserted corner of the marketplace.

We had a fun afternoon watching our little man explore.  He is getting more independent and adventuresome all the time, but still checks in with us frequently. 

We managed to get one good family shot.

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