Thursday, October 16, 2014
Philip Funnies XIV
Looking at the neighborhood pond:
"Why is there no whales in there?"
After chatting briefly with a cousin.
Me: That was your cousin X. He is about 7 years older than you.
Philip: I'm not that big yet. Seven is like so old.
"Raccoons aren't alive during the daytime."
Me: Philip, go put your shoes on.
Philip: Okay, Holy Mother.
Is this funny or sacrilegious? Since he is under the age of reason, I'm going with funny - obviously since I'm posting it here!
Before a rain storm I ask about the rumbling I hear outside.
Me: Is that thunder?
Philip: I'll go check
Opens the storm door.
Philip (totally casually): Maybe it's a war coming...or a T-Rex.
While playing at the park. "Hey, let's all run around and catch ourselves!" Translation: catch each other.
His version of Let it Go. "Let it go. Let it go. Let it go forever if you want to."
"Look Dad! We found Mo-Mo's!" (minnows)
Me: Look at those construction workers! They are digging deep!
Philip: Maybe they are digging for worms...Maybe they want worms to put in their house.
While driving to visit some friends:
"Do the G's not live in space?"
"Do the G's have potties there?"
Philip: Mommy, you have to go to time-out.
Andy: I don't think you have the authority to do that!
Philip: Yes, I do have the 'thority!
Andy: How is that?
Philip: Good.
Philip: Mom?
Me: Yes?
Philip: I can't get too taller because this house isn't too big.
Philip: Why aren't Grandma and Grandpa going to bed?
Me: They are older than you and don't need as much sleep.
Philip: I'm gonna get bigger and bigger and then I won't sleep at all!
A recent conversation between the kids.
Julia: You're awesome, buddy!
Philip: No, I not awesome!
Julia: You're awesome, buddy!
Philip: No! Only Daddy is awesome!
Julia: You're awesome, buddy!
Philip: If you say that again, you have to go to time out.
"Mom, when is baby going to be a boy?"
Discussing the Gatorade the kids had picked out as a special drink for our road trip. The drink was clear, but a cherry flavor. "So it's not pelican flavor?"
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Sweet September
September brought about a big change in our family. For the first time, we have a little one in school!
We did a couple new activities this month, including going to a science program where we were able to see and pet (Mom was the only one brave enough to touch anything) a skink, bearded dragon, and some kind of lizard. We also visited Whole Foods a couple times to take part in their kid's cooking class. The kids were in a cupcake decorating contest one day and made apple smiles another time. I grew up making apples smiles for snacks, so it was fun to show my kids how to make them, too. Afterwards, the kids take a tour through the store and they get treats from each of the departments in a mini shopping bag (cheese, fruit, cookies, etc).
Our area loves fall festivals - there are too many to attend! We were able to get to a few in September. Our parish has an annual Labor Day festival and we enjoyed visiting with friends, playing games, and getting some treats. One weekend we went to the Renaissance Festival. It was our first time going and we were amazed at just how extensive (and busy) the festival is. We enjoyed watching the performers, playing on the pirate ship playground, and trying out new foods. During the last weekend of the month the Grandparents and I took the kids to a fall festival at a local garden center. The highlight for the kids was decorating their own pumpkins The highlight for the adults were the fresh, hot apple cider donuts - they can't be beat!
We also spent a weekend at the Jellystone campground in Natural Bridge, VA. The kids love going "camping" (we rent a cabin). It was fun to get away together as a family. Philip loved going fishing every day. The kids had a blast playing in our cabin's loft. We parents loved the Natural Bridge and hiking to a waterfall.
On Sunday, we went to Lexington for Mass, lunch at a Greek restaurant, and playing at a little hidden gem children's garden before heading back home.
Andy and I had a fun evening out when we went to see my favorite band, Need to Breathe. They were great and we even enjoyed the opening acts as well, which is rare. They had a violin and guitar duo who are in the film The Song first, and the Oh Hellos second. I had never heard of the Oh Hellos before, but they were great live and we have been checking them out on Pandora. Also, go see The Song while it is in theaters. We haven't seen it yet, but know people who have pre-screened it and it is a good, marriage-affirming film. Let's support movies that support marriage!
At the end of the month, my parents came up for a weekend visit while on their way to Connecticut. Andy happened to be out of town for a couple nights, so I enjoyed having the extra hands. We were all together for a night before Grandma and Grandpa left town, but we look forward to having them back on their return trip!
New from Philip this month:
In the morning, he will ask us, "How was your dream?" Then when we ask what he dreamed about, he will say things like, "trucks" or "playdough."
He loves to play hide and seek. Luckily, he isn't very good at it yet.
He is now asking "Why" every time I give him an answer he doesn't want to hear. Ugh!
He is learning to whisper, but his technique is off. He will say, "I want to tell you something." Then I will squat down next to him. He will put his cheek next to my cheek and then whisper out in front of us. He hasn't quite figured out that he is supposed to be whispering in my ear!
New from Julia:
We often have this conversation.
Julia: "Hi Mommy, what's your name?"
Me: Miss Mommy.
Julia: Oh, Miss Mommy?
Me: Yes, what is your name?
Julia: Julia Katrese! (Julia Therese)
She regularly calls me Miss Kristen or Miss Kristen Mommy.
She has started asking the name of my shirt each day.
Speaking of clothing, she is starting to want to choose her clothes each day and is extremely opinionated about what she wears. Gone are the days of me picking out each darling outfit I want her to wear - boo hoo! Philip still doesn't care what he wears, so I wasn't expecting the clothing wars to happen so soon!
To make up for the daily power struggles, she has begun spontaneously saying "I love you!" regularly throughout the day. Now that is something my little boy rarely does. I guess there are trade-offs!
Philip is going to preschool a few days a week and seems to be really enjoying it! I got to go with him on the first day to see what a normal day of school will be like. Philip and I had lots of fun - he was very excited, but also shy in the classroom. He is adjusting to school really well.
Pre-school haircut
We did a couple new activities this month, including going to a science program where we were able to see and pet (Mom was the only one brave enough to touch anything) a skink, bearded dragon, and some kind of lizard. We also visited Whole Foods a couple times to take part in their kid's cooking class. The kids were in a cupcake decorating contest one day and made apple smiles another time. I grew up making apples smiles for snacks, so it was fun to show my kids how to make them, too. Afterwards, the kids take a tour through the store and they get treats from each of the departments in a mini shopping bag (cheese, fruit, cookies, etc).
Our area loves fall festivals - there are too many to attend! We were able to get to a few in September. Our parish has an annual Labor Day festival and we enjoyed visiting with friends, playing games, and getting some treats. One weekend we went to the Renaissance Festival. It was our first time going and we were amazed at just how extensive (and busy) the festival is. We enjoyed watching the performers, playing on the pirate ship playground, and trying out new foods. During the last weekend of the month the Grandparents and I took the kids to a fall festival at a local garden center. The highlight for the kids was decorating their own pumpkins The highlight for the adults were the fresh, hot apple cider donuts - they can't be beat!
We also spent a weekend at the Jellystone campground in Natural Bridge, VA. The kids love going "camping" (we rent a cabin). It was fun to get away together as a family. Philip loved going fishing every day. The kids had a blast playing in our cabin's loft. We parents loved the Natural Bridge and hiking to a waterfall.
Playing with "dinosaur" bones
Life-size Lincoln logs
Andy and I had a fun evening out when we went to see my favorite band, Need to Breathe. They were great and we even enjoyed the opening acts as well, which is rare. They had a violin and guitar duo who are in the film The Song first, and the Oh Hellos second. I had never heard of the Oh Hellos before, but they were great live and we have been checking them out on Pandora. Also, go see The Song while it is in theaters. We haven't seen it yet, but know people who have pre-screened it and it is a good, marriage-affirming film. Let's support movies that support marriage!
At the end of the month, my parents came up for a weekend visit while on their way to Connecticut. Andy happened to be out of town for a couple nights, so I enjoyed having the extra hands. We were all together for a night before Grandma and Grandpa left town, but we look forward to having them back on their return trip!
New from Philip this month:
In the morning, he will ask us, "How was your dream?" Then when we ask what he dreamed about, he will say things like, "trucks" or "playdough."
He loves to play hide and seek. Luckily, he isn't very good at it yet.
He is now asking "Why" every time I give him an answer he doesn't want to hear. Ugh!
He is learning to whisper, but his technique is off. He will say, "I want to tell you something." Then I will squat down next to him. He will put his cheek next to my cheek and then whisper out in front of us. He hasn't quite figured out that he is supposed to be whispering in my ear!
New from Julia:
We often have this conversation.
Julia: "Hi Mommy, what's your name?"
Me: Miss Mommy.
Julia: Oh, Miss Mommy?
Me: Yes, what is your name?
Julia: Julia Katrese! (Julia Therese)
She regularly calls me Miss Kristen or Miss Kristen Mommy.
She has started asking the name of my shirt each day.
Speaking of clothing, she is starting to want to choose her clothes each day and is extremely opinionated about what she wears. Gone are the days of me picking out each darling outfit I want her to wear - boo hoo! Philip still doesn't care what he wears, so I wasn't expecting the clothing wars to happen so soon!
To make up for the daily power struggles, she has begun spontaneously saying "I love you!" regularly throughout the day. Now that is something my little boy rarely does. I guess there are trade-offs!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Awesome August
August is always a busy and fun month in our family.
Andy and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. We went up to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and had dinner at a Tapas restaurant. Then we walked to an Italian bakery to pick up some sweets to bring home. It turned out to be Restaurant Week in Baltimore, so we lucked out with good prices. There was also some sort of Anime convention going on in town, so there was lots of interesting people watching - all kinds of outfits and characters were out in full force!
A few days later we celebrated Julia's birthday and the arrival of Andy's brother and family. One day we took the kids out to a local park that has it all - a farm, carousel, train, nature center, miniature golf, and a playground. It was a big hit and all the kids had some nice rest time afterwards! We also went to the Basilica for Mass and had dinner out one evening.
That weekend was my birthday. Andy and his brother volunteered to watch the kids for us while my sister-in-law and I did a little shopping and went out to lunch. We happened to have some free tickets to a local baseball game that night, so we all went out for a fun-filled evening.
The next day, my neighbor brought me a birthday cake (knowing that husbands tend to forget that sort of thing). Then we went over to visit her husband where he works at National Geographic. We got to tour around behind the scenes and walked through exhibit area. Then we grabbed some dinner and brought it to a park near the White House.
Philip had his first dentist visit in August. Seeing him clamp his mouth shut in fear at the doctor's office on several occasions, I didn't think he was ready for the dentist when he was younger. Philip has grown a lot in the past year and I thought he was ready now. He did great! He opened his mouth every time he was asked, and was a cooperative, but cautious patient. He came out with a fun goody bag of loot!
Julia got into the spirit of birthdays and now will randomly say things like, "Let's sing Happy Birthday to worms." "Happy Birthday to worms, Happy Birthday to worms..." She is also known for interrupting conversations to say, "Guys, guys! Don't take my (insert whatever is in front of her - toys, food, etc), okay?" You can tell she is a younger sibling!
Andy and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. We went up to the Baltimore Inner Harbor and had dinner at a Tapas restaurant. Then we walked to an Italian bakery to pick up some sweets to bring home. It turned out to be Restaurant Week in Baltimore, so we lucked out with good prices. There was also some sort of Anime convention going on in town, so there was lots of interesting people watching - all kinds of outfits and characters were out in full force!
A few days later we celebrated Julia's birthday and the arrival of Andy's brother and family. One day we took the kids out to a local park that has it all - a farm, carousel, train, nature center, miniature golf, and a playground. It was a big hit and all the kids had some nice rest time afterwards! We also went to the Basilica for Mass and had dinner out one evening.
That weekend was my birthday. Andy and his brother volunteered to watch the kids for us while my sister-in-law and I did a little shopping and went out to lunch. We happened to have some free tickets to a local baseball game that night, so we all went out for a fun-filled evening.
The next day, my neighbor brought me a birthday cake (knowing that husbands tend to forget that sort of thing). Then we went over to visit her husband where he works at National Geographic. We got to tour around behind the scenes and walked through exhibit area. Then we grabbed some dinner and brought it to a park near the White House.
This month we also enjoyed more outdoor concerts
"This is real heavy, me," said Julia after carrying this chair across a field.
lunches out with friends
Don't they all look like they're doing homework?
park visits
discovering new places
and beautifying.

Philip had his first dentist visit in August. Seeing him clamp his mouth shut in fear at the doctor's office on several occasions, I didn't think he was ready for the dentist when he was younger. Philip has grown a lot in the past year and I thought he was ready now. He did great! He opened his mouth every time he was asked, and was a cooperative, but cautious patient. He came out with a fun goody bag of loot!
He didn't like the light in his eyes, but luckily they had a drawer full of shades.
Julia got into the spirit of birthdays and now will randomly say things like, "Let's sing Happy Birthday to worms." "Happy Birthday to worms, Happy Birthday to worms..." She is also known for interrupting conversations to say, "Guys, guys! Don't take my (insert whatever is in front of her - toys, food, etc), okay?" You can tell she is a younger sibling!
Can't even have half a slide to herself!
We really had a golden summer. We hit it off with our neighbors and spent most every day going to different activities together and running back and forth across the street to each other's houses. After years of Philip grudgingly going to the activities I had planned, he was now running out the door to do them with his best buddies. It was hard to see this summer come to an end, knowing that with preschool starting, things were going to change a lot. But we have found our new groove and have lots more to share about the joy of September!
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